Conversion Barrel per minute to Cubic meter per minute

To convert barrels per minute to cubic meters per minute, you must multiply barrels per minute by approximately 0.158987.

Online tool converts barrels per minute to cubic meters per minute

This tool converts barrels per minute to cubic meters per minute (bbl/m to m3/m) and vice versa. 1 barrel per minute = 0.158987 cubic meters per minute. The user must fill in one of the two fields and the conversion will become automatically.



1 barrels per minute = 0.159 cubic meters per minute


Formula barrels per minute in cubic meters per minute (bbl/m in m3/m). M3/m = barrels/m*0.158987294928



How to convert barrels per minute to cubic meters per minute?

To convert from barrels per minute (bbl/min) to cubic meters per minute (m³/min), you can use the following conversion factor:

1 barrel = 0.158987 cubic meters

Given this conversion factor, the conversion formula is as follows:

Cubic meters per minute=Barrels per minute×0.158987

So, to convert a specific value from barrels per minute to cubic meters per minute, you simply multiply by 0.158987.

For example, to convert 10 barrels per minute to cubic meters per minute:

Cubic meters per minute=10bbl/min×0.158987m³/bbl=1.58987m³/min



How many cubic meters per minute are 5 barrels per minute?

5 barrels per minute is equivalent to approximately 0.7949 cubic meters per minute. ​​



Common conversions between barrels per minute and cubic meters per minute


1 barrels per minute = 0.158987 cubic meters per minute
2 barrels per minute = 0.317974 cubic meters per minute
5 barrels per minute = 0.794935 cubic meters per minute
10 barrels per minute = 1.589870 cubic meters per minute
20 barrels per minute = 3.179740 cubic meters per minute
30 barrels per minute = 4.769610 cubic meters per minute
40 barrels per minute = 6.359480 cubic meters per minute
50 barrels per minute = 7.949350 cubic meters per minute
60 barrels per minute = 9.539220 cubic meters per minute
100 barrels per minute = 15.898700 cubic meters per minute




Conversions barrels per minute to other units

Barrel/m to Liter/s Barrel/m to Liter/m Barrel/m to Liter/h
Barrel/m to Liter/d Barrel/m to Cubic meter/s Barrel/m to Cubic meter/m
Barrel/m to Cubic meter/h Barrel/m to Cubic meter/d Barrel/m to Gallon/s
Barrel/m to Gallon/m Barrel/m to Gallon/h Barrel/m to Gallon/d
Barrel/m to Barrel/s Barrel/m to Barrel/h Barrel/m to Barrel/d


Table barrels/m to m3/m
1 barrels/m = 0.159 m3/m 11 barrels/m = 1.7489 m3/m 21 barrels/m = 3.3387 m3/m
2 barrels/m = 0.318 m3/m 12 barrels/m = 1.9078 m3/m 22 barrels/m = 3.4977 m3/m
3 barrels/m = 0.477 m3/m 13 barrels/m = 2.0668 m3/m 23 barrels/m = 3.6567 m3/m
4 barrels/m = 0.6359 m3/m 14 barrels/m = 2.2258 m3/m 24 barrels/m = 3.8157 m3/m
5 barrels/m = 0.7949 m3/m 15 barrels/m = 2.3848 m3/m 25 barrels/m = 3.9747 m3/m
6 barrels/m = 0.9539 m3/m 16 barrels/m = 2.5438 m3/m 26 barrels/m = 4.1337 m3/m
7 barrels/m = 1.1129 m3/m 17 barrels/m = 2.7028 m3/m 27 barrels/m = 4.2927 m3/m
8 barrels/m = 1.2719 m3/m 18 barrels/m = 2.8618 m3/m 28 barrels/m = 4.4516 m3/m
9 barrels/m = 1.4309 m3/m 19 barrels/m = 3.0208 m3/m 29 barrels/m = 4.6106 m3/m
10 barrels/m = 1.5899 m3/m 20 barrels/m = 3.1797 m3/m 30 barrels/m = 4.7696 m3/m
40 barrels/m = 6.3595 m3/m 70 barrels/m = 11.1291 m3/m 100 barrels/m = 15.8987 m3/m
50 barrels/m = 7.9494 m3/m 80 barrels/m = 12.719 m3/m 110 barrels/m = 17.4886 m3/m
60 barrels/m = 9.5392 m3/m 90 barrels/m = 14.3089 m3/m 120 barrels/m = 19.0785 m3/m
200 barrels/m = 31.7975 m3/m500 barrels/m = 79.4936 m3/m800 barrels/m = 127.19 m3/m
300 barrels/m = 47.6962 m3/m600 barrels/m = 95.3924 m3/m900 barrels/m = 143.089 m3/m
400 barrels/m = 63.5949 m3/m700 barrels/m = 111.291 m3/m1000 barrels/m = 158.987 m3/m


Flow Conversions

Liter/s to Liter/m Liter/s to Liter/h Liter/s to Liter/d
Liter/s to Cubic meter/s Liter/s to Cubic meter/m Liter/s to Cubic meter/h
Liter/s to Cubic meter/d Liter/s to Gals/s Liter/s to Gallons/m
Liter/s to Gallons/h Liter/s to Gallons/d Liter/s to Barrels/s
Liter/s to Barrels/m Liter/s to Barrels/h Liter/s to Barrels/d
Liter/m to Liter/s Liter/m to Liter/h Liter/m to Liter/d
Liter/m to Cubic meter/s Liter/m to Cubic meter/m Liter/m to Cubic meter/h
Liter/m to Cubic meter/d Liter/m to Gals/s Liter/m to Gallons/m
Liter/m to Gallons/h Liter/m to Gallons/d Liter/m to Barrels/s
Liter/m to Barrels/m Liter/m to Barrels/h Liter/m to Barrels/d
Liter/h to Liter/s Liter/h to Liter/m Liter/h to Liter/d
Liter/h to Cubic meter/s Liter/h to Cubic meter/m Liter/h to Cubic meter/h
Liter/h to Cubic meter/d Liter/h to Gals/s Liter/h to Gallons/m
Liter/h to Gallons/h Liter/h to Gallons/d Liter/h to Barrels/s
Liter/h to Barrels/m Liter/h to Barrels/h Liter/h to Barrels/d
Liter/d to Liter/s Liter/d to Liter/m Liter/d to Liter/h
Liter/d to Cubic meter/s Liter/d to Cubic meter/m Liter/d to Cubic meter/h
Liter/d to Cubic meter/d Liter/d to Gals/s Liter/d to Gallons/m
Liter/d to Gallons/h Liter/d to Gallons/d Liter/d to Barrels/s
Liter/d to Barrels/m Liter/d to Barrels/h Liter/d to Barrels/d
Cubic meter/s to Liter/s Cubic meter/s to Liter/m Cubic meter/s to Liter/h
Cubic meter/s to Liter/d Cubic meter/s to Cubic meter/m Cubic meter/s to Cubic meter/h
Cubic meter/s to Cubic meter/d Cubic meter/s to Gals/s Cubic meter/s to Gallons/m
Cubic meter/s to Gallons/h Cubic meter/s to Gallons/d Cubic meter/s to Barrels/s
Cubic meter/s to Barrels/m Cubic meter/s to Barrels/h Cubic meter/s to Barrels/d
Cubic meter/m to Liter/s Cubic meter/m to Liter/m Cubic meter/m to Liter/h
Cubic meter/m to Liter/d Cubic meter/m to Cubic meter/s Cubic meter/m to Cubic meter/h
Cubic meter/m to Cubic meter/d Cubic meter/m to Gals/s Cubic meter/m to Gallons/m
Cubic meter/m to Gallons/h Cubic meter/m to Gallons/d Cubic meter/m to Barrels/s
Cubic meter/m to Barrels/m Cubic meter/m to Barrels/h Cubic meter/m to Barrels/d
Cubic meter/h to Liter/s Cubic meter/h to Liter/m Cubic meter/h to Liter/h
Cubic meter/h to Liter/d Cubic meter/h to Cubic meter/s Cubic meter/h to Cubic meter/m
Cubic meter/h to Cubic meter/d Cubic meter/h to Gals/s Cubic meter/h to Gallons/m
Cubic meter/h to Gallons/h Cubic meter/h to Gallons/d Cubic meter/h to Barrels/s
Cubic meter/h to Barrels/m Cubic meter/h to Barrels/h Cubic meter/h to Barrels/d
Cubic meter/d to Liter/s Cubic meter/d to Liter/m Cubic meter/d to Liter/h
Cubic meter/d to Liter/d Cubic meter/d to Cubic meter/s Cubic meter/d to Cubic meter/m
Cubic meter/d to Cubic meter/h Cubic meter/d to Gals/s Cubic meter/d to Gallons/m
Cubic meter/d to Gallons/h Cubic meter/d to Gallons/d Cubic meter/d to Barrels/s
Cubic meter/d to Barrels/m Cubic meter/d to Barrels/h Cubic meter/d to Barrels/d
Gals/s to Liter/s Gals/s to Liter/m Gals/s to Liter/h
Gals/s to Liter/d Gals/s to Cubic meter/s Gals/s to Cubic meter/m
Gals/s to Cubic meter/h Gals/s to Cubic meter/d Gals/s to Gallons/m
Gals/s to Gallons/h Gals/s to Gallons/d Gals/s to Barrels/s
Gals/s to Barrels/m Gals/s to Barrels/h Gals/s to Barrels/d
Gallons/m to Liter/s Gallons/m to Liter/m Gallons/m to Liter/h
Gallons/m to Liter/d Gallons/m to Cubic meter/s Gallons/m to Cubic meter/m
Gallons/m to Cubic meter/h Gallons/m to Cubic meter/d Gallons/m to Gals/s
Gallons/m to Gallons/h Gallons/m to Gallons/d Gallons/m to Barrels/s
Gallons/m to Barrels/m Gallons/m to Barrels/h Gallons/m to Barrels/d
Gallons/h to Liter/s Gallons/h to Liter/m Gallons/h to Liter/h
Gallons/h to Liter/d Gallons/h to Cubic meter/s Gallons/h to Cubic meter/m
Gallons/h to Cubic meter/h Gallons/h to Cubic meter/d Gallons/h to Gals/s
Gallons/h to Gallons/m Gallons/h to Gallons/d Gallons/h to Barrels/s
Gallons/h to Barrels/m Gallons/h to Barrels/h Gallons/h to Barrels/d
Gallons/d to Liter/s Gallons/d to Liter/m Gallons/d to Liter/h
Gallons/d to Liter/d Gallons/d to Cubic meter/s Gallons/d to Cubic meter/m
Gallons/d to Cubic meter/h Gallons/d to Cubic meter/d Gallons/d to Gals/s
Gallons/d to Gallons/m Gallons/d to Gallons/h Gallons/d to Barrels/s
Gallons/d to Barrels/m Gallons/d to Barrels/h Gallons/d to Barrels/d
Barrels/s to Liter/s Barrels/s to Liter/m Barrels/s to Liter/h
Barrels/s to Liter/d Barrels/s to Cubic meter/s Barrels/s to Cubic meter/m
Barrels/s to Cubic meter/h Barrels/s to Cubic meter/d Barrels/s to Gals/s
Barrels/s to Gallons/m Barrels/s to Gallons/h Barrels/s to Gallons/d
Barrels/s to Barrels/m Barrels/s to Barrels/h Barrels/s to Barrels/d
Barrels/h to Liter/s Barrels/h to Liter/m Barrels/h to Liter/h
Barrels/h to Liter/d Barrels/h to Cubic meter/s Barrels/h to Cubic meter/m
Barrels/h to Cubic meter/h Barrels/h to Cubic meter/d Barrels/h to Gals/s
Barrels/h to Gallons/m Barrels/h to Gallons/h Barrels/h to Gallons/d
Barrels/h to Barrels/s Barrels/h to Barrels/m Barrels/h to Barrels/d
Barrels/d to Liter/s Barrels/d to Liter/m Barrels/d to Liter/h
Barrels/d to Liter/d Barrels/d to Cubic meter/s Barrels/d to Cubic meter/m
Barrels/d to Cubic meter/h Barrels/d to Cubic meter/d Barrels/d to Gals/s
Barrels/d to Gallons/m Barrels/d to Gallons/h Barrels/d to Gallons/d
Barrels/d to Barrels/s Barrels/d to Barrels/m Barrels/d to Barrels/h