Conversion Gallon per day(US) to Liter per hour
To convert gallons per day to liters per hour, you must multiply gallons per day by approximately 0.157725.
To convert gallons per day to liters per hour, you can use the following conversion factors:
1 gallon = 3.78541 liters
1 day = 24 hours
Thus, the conversion formula from gallons per day (GPD) to liters per hour (LPH) is:
This simplifies to:
So, you multiply the number of gallons per day by approximately 0.157725 to get liters per hour.
Tool converts gallons per day to liters per hour
This tool converts gallons per day to liters per hour (gal/d to lt/h) and vice versa. 1 gallon per day(US) = 0.157725491 liters per hour. The user must fill one of the two fields and the conversion will become automatically.
<=> | ||
1 gallons per day = 0.1577 liters per hour
Formula gallons per day in liters per hour (gal/d in lt/h). Lt/h = gal/d*0.157725491
How many liters per hour are 15 gallons per day?
To convert 15 gallons per day to liters per hour, we use the conversion factor I mentioned earlier:
Let's do the calculation for 15 gallons per day:
Therefore, 15 gallons per day is approximately 2.37 liters per hour.
What do gallons per day and liters per hour measure?
Gallons per day and liters per hour are both units used to measure the flow rate of fluids. These units indicate how much fluid moves or is delivered over a specific period. Gallons per day is typically used in contexts such as water consumption in households or businesses, indicating the daily usage or supply of water.
Liters per hour, on the other hand, is often used in various industrial and scientific applications to measure the rate at which liquids are processed, transferred, or consumed within an hour. These measurements help in understanding, controlling, and managing the use or production of fluids in various settings.
Common conversions between gallons per day and liters per hour
Gallons per Day (GPD) = Liters per Hour (LPH) |
1 GPD = 0.16 LPH |
2 GPD = 0.32 LPH |
3 GPD = 0.47 LPH |
4 GPD = 0.63 LPH |
5 GPD = 0.79 LPH |
6 GPD = 0.95 LPH |
7 GPD = 1.11 LPH |
8 GPD = 1.26 LPH |
9 GPD = 1.42 LPH |
10 GPD = 1.58 LPH |
Conversions gallons per day to other units
Table gal/d to lt/h
1 gal/d = 0.1577 lt/h | 11 gal/d = 1.735 lt/h | 21 gal/d = 3.3122 lt/h |
2 gal/d = 0.3155 lt/h | 12 gal/d = 1.8927 lt/h | 22 gal/d = 3.47 lt/h |
3 gal/d = 0.4732 lt/h | 13 gal/d = 2.0504 lt/h | 23 gal/d = 3.6277 lt/h |
4 gal/d = 0.6309 lt/h | 14 gal/d = 2.2082 lt/h | 24 gal/d = 3.7854 lt/h |
5 gal/d = 0.7886 lt/h | 15 gal/d = 2.3659 lt/h | 25 gal/d = 3.9431 lt/h |
6 gal/d = 0.9464 lt/h | 16 gal/d = 2.5236 lt/h | 26 gal/d = 4.1009 lt/h |
7 gal/d = 1.1041 lt/h | 17 gal/d = 2.6813 lt/h | 27 gal/d = 4.2586 lt/h |
8 gal/d = 1.2618 lt/h | 18 gal/d = 2.8391 lt/h | 28 gal/d = 4.4163 lt/h |
9 gal/d = 1.4195 lt/h | 19 gal/d = 2.9968 lt/h | 29 gal/d = 4.574 lt/h |
10 gal/d = 1.5773 lt/h | 20 gal/d = 3.1545 lt/h | 30 gal/d = 4.7318 lt/h |
40 gal/d = 6.309 lt/h | 70 gal/d = 11.0408 lt/h | 100 gal/d = 15.7725 lt/h |
50 gal/d = 7.8863 lt/h | 80 gal/d = 12.618 lt/h | 110 gal/d = 17.3498 lt/h |
60 gal/d = 9.4635 lt/h | 90 gal/d = 14.1953 lt/h | 120 gal/d = 18.9271 lt/h |
200 gal/d = 31.5451 lt/h | 500 gal/d = 78.8627 lt/h | 800 gal/d = 126.18 lt/h |
300 gal/d = 47.3176 lt/h | 600 gal/d = 94.6353 lt/h | 900 gal/d = 141.953 lt/h |
400 gal/d = 63.0902 lt/h | 700 gal/d = 110.408 lt/h | 1000 gal/d = 157.725 lt/h |
Flow Conversions