Conversion Gallon per hour(US) to Cubic meter per hour

To convert gallons per hour to cubic meters per hour, you must multiply gallons per hour by approximately 0.00378541.

Here's the formula for the conversion:

Cubic meters per hour = Gallons per hour × 0.00378541  

For example, if you are converting 100 gallons per hour:

100  gallons per hour × 0.00378541  cubic meters per gallon = 0.378541  cubic meters per hour  

Online tool converts gallons per hour to cubic meters per hour

This tool converts gallons per hour to cubic meters per hour (gal/h to m3/h) and vice versa. 1 gallon per hour(US) = 0.003785411784 cubic meters per hour. The user must fill one of the two fields and the conversion will become automatically.



1 gallons per hour = 0.003785 cubic meters per hour


Formula gallons per hour in cubic meters per hour (gal/h in m3/h). M3/h = gal/h*0.003785411784



How to convert 1500 gallons per hour to cubic meters per hour?

To convert 1500 gallons per hour to cubic meters per hour, use the conversion factor where 1 gallon (US liquid gallon) is approximately equal to 0.00378541 cubic meters. Here’s how you can calculate it:

Cubic meters per hour = 1500  gallons per hour × 0.00378541 

This gives:

1500 × 0.00378541 = 5.678115  cubic meters per hour 

So, 1500 gallons per hour is equivalent to approximately 5.678 cubic meters per hour.



How many cubic meters per hour are 1000 gallons per hour?

1000 gallons per hour is equivalent to approximately 3.785 cubic meters per hour.

Cubic meters per hour = 1000  gallons per hour × 0.00378541  {"language":"en"} 

This gives:

1000 × 0.00378541 = 3.78541  cubic meters per hour  {"language":"en"} 



Common conversions between gallons per hour and cubic meters per hour


Gallons/Hour to Cubic Meters/Hour
10 gal/hr = 0.03785 m³/hr
20 gal/hr = 0.07571 m³/hr
30 gal/hr = 0.11356 m³/hr
40 gal/hr = 0.15142 m³/hr
50 gal/hr = 0.18927 m³/hr
60 gal/hr = 0.22712 m³/hr
70 gal/hr = 0.26498 m³/hr
80 gal/hr = 0.30283 m³/hr
90 gal/hr = 0.34069 m³/hr
100 gal/hr = 0.37854 m³/hr




Conversions gallons per hour to other units

Gallon/h to Liter/s Gallon/h to Liter/m Gallon/h to Liter/h
Gallon/h to Liter/d Gallon/h to Cubic meter/s Gallon/h to Cubic meter/m
Gallon/h to Cubic meter/h Gallon/h to Cubic meter/d Gallon/h to Gallon/s
Gallon/h to Gallon/m Gallon/h to Gallon/d Gallon/h to Barrel/s
Gallon/h to Barrel/m Gallon/h to Barrel/h Gallon/h to Barrel/d


Table gal/h to m3/h
1 gal/h = 0.003785 m3/h 11 gal/h = 0.04164 m3/h 21 gal/h = 0.07949 m3/h
2 gal/h = 0.007571 m3/h 12 gal/h = 0.04542 m3/h 22 gal/h = 0.08328 m3/h
3 gal/h = 0.01136 m3/h 13 gal/h = 0.04921 m3/h 23 gal/h = 0.08706 m3/h
4 gal/h = 0.01514 m3/h 14 gal/h = 0.053 m3/h 24 gal/h = 0.09085 m3/h
5 gal/h = 0.01893 m3/h 15 gal/h = 0.05678 m3/h 25 gal/h = 0.09464 m3/h
6 gal/h = 0.02271 m3/h 16 gal/h = 0.06057 m3/h 26 gal/h = 0.09842 m3/h
7 gal/h = 0.0265 m3/h 17 gal/h = 0.06435 m3/h 27 gal/h = 0.1022 m3/h
8 gal/h = 0.03028 m3/h 18 gal/h = 0.06814 m3/h 28 gal/h = 0.106 m3/h
9 gal/h = 0.03407 m3/h 19 gal/h = 0.07192 m3/h 29 gal/h = 0.1098 m3/h
10 gal/h = 0.03785 m3/h 20 gal/h = 0.07571 m3/h 30 gal/h = 0.1136 m3/h
40 gal/h = 0.1514 m3/h 70 gal/h = 0.265 m3/h 100 gal/h = 0.3785 m3/h
50 gal/h = 0.1893 m3/h 80 gal/h = 0.3028 m3/h 110 gal/h = 0.4164 m3/h
60 gal/h = 0.2271 m3/h 90 gal/h = 0.3407 m3/h 120 gal/h = 0.4542 m3/h
200 gal/h = 0.7571 m3/h500 gal/h = 1.8927 m3/h800 gal/h = 3.0283 m3/h
300 gal/h = 1.1356 m3/h600 gal/h = 2.2712 m3/h900 gal/h = 3.4069 m3/h
400 gal/h = 1.5142 m3/h700 gal/h = 2.6498 m3/h1000 gal/h = 3.7854 m3/h


Flow Conversions

Liter/s to Liter/m Liter/s to Liter/h Liter/s to Liter/d
Liter/s to Cubic meter/s Liter/s to Cubic meter/m Liter/s to Cubic meter/h
Liter/s to Cubic meter/d Liter/s to Gals/s Liter/s to Gallons/m
Liter/s to Gallons/h Liter/s to Gallons/d Liter/s to Barrels/s
Liter/s to Barrels/m Liter/s to Barrels/h Liter/s to Barrels/d
Liter/m to Liter/s Liter/m to Liter/h Liter/m to Liter/d
Liter/m to Cubic meter/s Liter/m to Cubic meter/m Liter/m to Cubic meter/h
Liter/m to Cubic meter/d Liter/m to Gals/s Liter/m to Gallons/m
Liter/m to Gallons/h Liter/m to Gallons/d Liter/m to Barrels/s
Liter/m to Barrels/m Liter/m to Barrels/h Liter/m to Barrels/d
Liter/h to Liter/s Liter/h to Liter/m Liter/h to Liter/d
Liter/h to Cubic meter/s Liter/h to Cubic meter/m Liter/h to Cubic meter/h
Liter/h to Cubic meter/d Liter/h to Gals/s Liter/h to Gallons/m
Liter/h to Gallons/h Liter/h to Gallons/d Liter/h to Barrels/s
Liter/h to Barrels/m Liter/h to Barrels/h Liter/h to Barrels/d
Liter/d to Liter/s Liter/d to Liter/m Liter/d to Liter/h
Liter/d to Cubic meter/s Liter/d to Cubic meter/m Liter/d to Cubic meter/h
Liter/d to Cubic meter/d Liter/d to Gals/s Liter/d to Gallons/m
Liter/d to Gallons/h Liter/d to Gallons/d Liter/d to Barrels/s
Liter/d to Barrels/m Liter/d to Barrels/h Liter/d to Barrels/d
Cubic meter/s to Liter/s Cubic meter/s to Liter/m Cubic meter/s to Liter/h
Cubic meter/s to Liter/d Cubic meter/s to Cubic meter/m Cubic meter/s to Cubic meter/h
Cubic meter/s to Cubic meter/d Cubic meter/s to Gals/s Cubic meter/s to Gallons/m
Cubic meter/s to Gallons/h Cubic meter/s to Gallons/d Cubic meter/s to Barrels/s
Cubic meter/s to Barrels/m Cubic meter/s to Barrels/h Cubic meter/s to Barrels/d
Cubic meter/m to Liter/s Cubic meter/m to Liter/m Cubic meter/m to Liter/h
Cubic meter/m to Liter/d Cubic meter/m to Cubic meter/s Cubic meter/m to Cubic meter/h
Cubic meter/m to Cubic meter/d Cubic meter/m to Gals/s Cubic meter/m to Gallons/m
Cubic meter/m to Gallons/h Cubic meter/m to Gallons/d Cubic meter/m to Barrels/s
Cubic meter/m to Barrels/m Cubic meter/m to Barrels/h Cubic meter/m to Barrels/d
Cubic meter/h to Liter/s Cubic meter/h to Liter/m Cubic meter/h to Liter/h
Cubic meter/h to Liter/d Cubic meter/h to Cubic meter/s Cubic meter/h to Cubic meter/m
Cubic meter/h to Cubic meter/d Cubic meter/h to Gals/s Cubic meter/h to Gallons/m
Cubic meter/h to Gallons/h Cubic meter/h to Gallons/d Cubic meter/h to Barrels/s
Cubic meter/h to Barrels/m Cubic meter/h to Barrels/h Cubic meter/h to Barrels/d
Cubic meter/d to Liter/s Cubic meter/d to Liter/m Cubic meter/d to Liter/h
Cubic meter/d to Liter/d Cubic meter/d to Cubic meter/s Cubic meter/d to Cubic meter/m
Cubic meter/d to Cubic meter/h Cubic meter/d to Gals/s Cubic meter/d to Gallons/m
Cubic meter/d to Gallons/h Cubic meter/d to Gallons/d Cubic meter/d to Barrels/s
Cubic meter/d to Barrels/m Cubic meter/d to Barrels/h Cubic meter/d to Barrels/d
Gals/s to Liter/s Gals/s to Liter/m Gals/s to Liter/h
Gals/s to Liter/d Gals/s to Cubic meter/s Gals/s to Cubic meter/m
Gals/s to Cubic meter/h Gals/s to Cubic meter/d Gals/s to Gallons/m
Gals/s to Gallons/h Gals/s to Gallons/d Gals/s to Barrels/s
Gals/s to Barrels/m Gals/s to Barrels/h Gals/s to Barrels/d
Gallons/m to Liter/s Gallons/m to Liter/m Gallons/m to Liter/h
Gallons/m to Liter/d Gallons/m to Cubic meter/s Gallons/m to Cubic meter/m
Gallons/m to Cubic meter/h Gallons/m to Cubic meter/d Gallons/m to Gals/s
Gallons/m to Gallons/h Gallons/m to Gallons/d Gallons/m to Barrels/s
Gallons/m to Barrels/m Gallons/m to Barrels/h Gallons/m to Barrels/d
Gallons/d to Liter/s Gallons/d to Liter/m Gallons/d to Liter/h
Gallons/d to Liter/d Gallons/d to Cubic meter/s Gallons/d to Cubic meter/m
Gallons/d to Cubic meter/h Gallons/d to Cubic meter/d Gallons/d to Gals/s
Gallons/d to Gallons/m Gallons/d to Gallons/h Gallons/d to Barrels/s
Gallons/d to Barrels/m Gallons/d to Barrels/h Gallons/d to Barrels/d
Barrels/s to Liter/s Barrels/s to Liter/m Barrels/s to Liter/h
Barrels/s to Liter/d Barrels/s to Cubic meter/s Barrels/s to Cubic meter/m
Barrels/s to Cubic meter/h Barrels/s to Cubic meter/d Barrels/s to Gals/s
Barrels/s to Gallons/m Barrels/s to Gallons/h Barrels/s to Gallons/d
Barrels/s to Barrels/m Barrels/s to Barrels/h Barrels/s to Barrels/d
Barrels/m to Liter/s Barrels/m to Liter/m Barrels/m to Liter/h
Barrels/m to Liter/d Barrels/m to Cubic meter/s Barrels/m to Cubic meter/m
Barrels/m to Cubic meter/h Barrels/m to Cubic meter/d Barrels/m to Gals/s
Barrels/m to Gallons/m Barrels/m to Gallons/h Barrels/m to Gallons/d
Barrels/m to Barrels/s Barrels/m to Barrels/h Barrels/m to Barrels/d
Barrels/h to Liter/s Barrels/h to Liter/m Barrels/h to Liter/h
Barrels/h to Liter/d Barrels/h to Cubic meter/s Barrels/h to Cubic meter/m
Barrels/h to Cubic meter/h Barrels/h to Cubic meter/d Barrels/h to Gals/s
Barrels/h to Gallons/m Barrels/h to Gallons/h Barrels/h to Gallons/d
Barrels/h to Barrels/s Barrels/h to Barrels/m Barrels/h to Barrels/d
Barrels/d to Liter/s Barrels/d to Liter/m Barrels/d to Liter/h
Barrels/d to Liter/d Barrels/d to Cubic meter/s Barrels/d to Cubic meter/m
Barrels/d to Cubic meter/h Barrels/d to Cubic meter/d Barrels/d to Gals/s
Barrels/d to Gallons/m Barrels/d to Gallons/h Barrels/d to Gallons/d
Barrels/d to Barrels/s Barrels/d to Barrels/m Barrels/d to Barrels/h