Conversion Gallon per hour(US) to Gallon per minute(US)

To convert gallons per hour to gallons per minute, you must multiply gallons per hour by approximately 0.01667 or divide the gallons per hour by 60.

To convert from gallons per hour (GPH) to gallons per minute (GPM), you need to recognize that there are 60 minutes in an hour. Therefore, to find the number of gallons per minute, you divide the number of gallons per hour by 60.

The formula is   Gallons per minute (GPM) =  Gallons per hour (GPH) 60  

For example, if you have a flow rate of 120 gallons per hour:    Gallons per minute =  120 60   = 2  GPM  

This means that 120 gallons per hour converts to 2 gallons per minute.

Gallons per hour and gallons per minute are indicators of flow.

Tool converts gallons per hour to gallons per minute

This tool converts gallons per hour to gallons per minute (gal/h to gal/m) and vice versa. 1 gallon per hour(US) ≈ 0.01667 gallons per minute. The user must fill one of the two fields and the conversion will become automatically.



1 gallons per hour = 0.01667 gallons per minute


Formula gallons per hour in gallons per minute (gal/h in gal/m). Gal/m ≈ gal/h*0.01667



How many gallons per minute are 25 gallons per hour?

To convert 25 gallons per hour to gallons per minute, you divide the number of gallons per hour by 60, since there are 60 minutes in an hour.

Gallons per minute =  25  gallons per hour  60 

Gallons per minute = 0.4167 

So, 25 gallons per hour is approximately 0.417 gallons per minute.



An easy way to remember how to convert gallons per hour to gallons per minute

An easy way to remember how to convert gallons per hour to gallons per minute is by using the fact that there are 60 minutes in an hour. So, you simply divide the number of gallons per hour by 60. This method helps you quickly find out how many gallons flow each minute from a given hourly rate. For example, if you have a flow rate of 120 gallons per hour, dividing by 60 gives you 2 gallons per minute. Remember, just divide by 60—since that's how many minutes are in an hour!



Common conversions between gallons per hour and gallons per minute


GPH to GPM Conversion
10 GPH = 0.167 GPM
20 GPH = 0.333 GPM
30 GPH = 0.500 GPM
40 GPH = 0.667 GPM
50 GPH = 0.833 GPM
60 GPH = 1.000 GPM
70 GPH = 1.167 GPM
80 GPH = 1.333 GPM
90 GPH = 1.500 GPM
100 GPH = 1.667 GPM




Conversions gallons per hour to other units

Gallon/h to Liter/s Gallon/h to Liter/m Gallon/h to Liter/h
Gallon/h to Liter/d Gallon/h to Cubic meter/s Gallon/h to Cubic meter/m
Gallon/h to Cubic meter/h Gallon/h to Cubic meter/d Gallon/h to Gallon/s
Gallon/h to Gallon/m Gallon/h to Gallon/d Gallon/h to Barrel/s
Gallon/h to Barrel/m Gallon/h to Barrel/h Gallon/h to Barrel/d


Table gal/h to gal/m
1 gal/h = 0.01667 gal/m 11 gal/h = 0.1833 gal/m 21 gal/h = 0.35 gal/m
2 gal/h = 0.03333 gal/m 12 gal/h = 0.2 gal/m 22 gal/h = 0.3667 gal/m
3 gal/h = 0.05 gal/m 13 gal/h = 0.2167 gal/m 23 gal/h = 0.3833 gal/m
4 gal/h = 0.06667 gal/m 14 gal/h = 0.2333 gal/m 24 gal/h = 0.4 gal/m
5 gal/h = 0.08333 gal/m 15 gal/h = 0.25 gal/m 25 gal/h = 0.4167 gal/m
6 gal/h = 0.1 gal/m 16 gal/h = 0.2667 gal/m 26 gal/h = 0.4333 gal/m
7 gal/h = 0.1167 gal/m 17 gal/h = 0.2833 gal/m 27 gal/h = 0.45 gal/m
8 gal/h = 0.1333 gal/m 18 gal/h = 0.3 gal/m 28 gal/h = 0.4667 gal/m
9 gal/h = 0.15 gal/m 19 gal/h = 0.3167 gal/m 29 gal/h = 0.4833 gal/m
10 gal/h = 0.1667 gal/m 20 gal/h = 0.3333 gal/m 30 gal/h = 0.5 gal/m
40 gal/h = 0.6667 gal/m 70 gal/h = 1.1667 gal/m 100 gal/h = 1.6667 gal/m
50 gal/h = 0.8333 gal/m 80 gal/h = 1.3333 gal/m 110 gal/h = 1.8333 gal/m
60 gal/h = 1 gal/m 90 gal/h = 1.5 gal/m 120 gal/h = 2 gal/m
200 gal/h = 3.3333 gal/m500 gal/h = 8.3333 gal/m800 gal/h = 13.3333 gal/m
300 gal/h = 5 gal/m600 gal/h = 10 gal/m900 gal/h = 15 gal/m
400 gal/h = 6.6667 gal/m700 gal/h = 11.6667 gal/m1000 gal/h = 16.6667 gal/m


Flow Conversions

Liter/s to Liter/m Liter/s to Liter/h Liter/s to Liter/d
Liter/s to Cubic meter/s Liter/s to Cubic meter/m Liter/s to Cubic meter/h
Liter/s to Cubic meter/d Liter/s to Gals/s Liter/s to Gallons/m
Liter/s to Gallons/h Liter/s to Gallons/d Liter/s to Barrels/s
Liter/s to Barrels/m Liter/s to Barrels/h Liter/s to Barrels/d
Liter/m to Liter/s Liter/m to Liter/h Liter/m to Liter/d
Liter/m to Cubic meter/s Liter/m to Cubic meter/m Liter/m to Cubic meter/h
Liter/m to Cubic meter/d Liter/m to Gals/s Liter/m to Gallons/m
Liter/m to Gallons/h Liter/m to Gallons/d Liter/m to Barrels/s
Liter/m to Barrels/m Liter/m to Barrels/h Liter/m to Barrels/d
Liter/h to Liter/s Liter/h to Liter/m Liter/h to Liter/d
Liter/h to Cubic meter/s Liter/h to Cubic meter/m Liter/h to Cubic meter/h
Liter/h to Cubic meter/d Liter/h to Gals/s Liter/h to Gallons/m
Liter/h to Gallons/h Liter/h to Gallons/d Liter/h to Barrels/s
Liter/h to Barrels/m Liter/h to Barrels/h Liter/h to Barrels/d
Liter/d to Liter/s Liter/d to Liter/m Liter/d to Liter/h
Liter/d to Cubic meter/s Liter/d to Cubic meter/m Liter/d to Cubic meter/h
Liter/d to Cubic meter/d Liter/d to Gals/s Liter/d to Gallons/m
Liter/d to Gallons/h Liter/d to Gallons/d Liter/d to Barrels/s
Liter/d to Barrels/m Liter/d to Barrels/h Liter/d to Barrels/d
Cubic meter/s to Liter/s Cubic meter/s to Liter/m Cubic meter/s to Liter/h
Cubic meter/s to Liter/d Cubic meter/s to Cubic meter/m Cubic meter/s to Cubic meter/h
Cubic meter/s to Cubic meter/d Cubic meter/s to Gals/s Cubic meter/s to Gallons/m
Cubic meter/s to Gallons/h Cubic meter/s to Gallons/d Cubic meter/s to Barrels/s
Cubic meter/s to Barrels/m Cubic meter/s to Barrels/h Cubic meter/s to Barrels/d
Cubic meter/m to Liter/s Cubic meter/m to Liter/m Cubic meter/m to Liter/h
Cubic meter/m to Liter/d Cubic meter/m to Cubic meter/s Cubic meter/m to Cubic meter/h
Cubic meter/m to Cubic meter/d Cubic meter/m to Gals/s Cubic meter/m to Gallons/m
Cubic meter/m to Gallons/h Cubic meter/m to Gallons/d Cubic meter/m to Barrels/s
Cubic meter/m to Barrels/m Cubic meter/m to Barrels/h Cubic meter/m to Barrels/d
Cubic meter/h to Liter/s Cubic meter/h to Liter/m Cubic meter/h to Liter/h
Cubic meter/h to Liter/d Cubic meter/h to Cubic meter/s Cubic meter/h to Cubic meter/m
Cubic meter/h to Cubic meter/d Cubic meter/h to Gals/s Cubic meter/h to Gallons/m
Cubic meter/h to Gallons/h Cubic meter/h to Gallons/d Cubic meter/h to Barrels/s
Cubic meter/h to Barrels/m Cubic meter/h to Barrels/h Cubic meter/h to Barrels/d
Cubic meter/d to Liter/s Cubic meter/d to Liter/m Cubic meter/d to Liter/h
Cubic meter/d to Liter/d Cubic meter/d to Cubic meter/s Cubic meter/d to Cubic meter/m
Cubic meter/d to Cubic meter/h Cubic meter/d to Gals/s Cubic meter/d to Gallons/m
Cubic meter/d to Gallons/h Cubic meter/d to Gallons/d Cubic meter/d to Barrels/s
Cubic meter/d to Barrels/m Cubic meter/d to Barrels/h Cubic meter/d to Barrels/d
Gals/s to Liter/s Gals/s to Liter/m Gals/s to Liter/h
Gals/s to Liter/d Gals/s to Cubic meter/s Gals/s to Cubic meter/m
Gals/s to Cubic meter/h Gals/s to Cubic meter/d Gals/s to Gallons/m
Gals/s to Gallons/h Gals/s to Gallons/d Gals/s to Barrels/s
Gals/s to Barrels/m Gals/s to Barrels/h Gals/s to Barrels/d
Gallons/m to Liter/s Gallons/m to Liter/m Gallons/m to Liter/h
Gallons/m to Liter/d Gallons/m to Cubic meter/s Gallons/m to Cubic meter/m
Gallons/m to Cubic meter/h Gallons/m to Cubic meter/d Gallons/m to Gals/s
Gallons/m to Gallons/h Gallons/m to Gallons/d Gallons/m to Barrels/s
Gallons/m to Barrels/m Gallons/m to Barrels/h Gallons/m to Barrels/d
Gallons/d to Liter/s Gallons/d to Liter/m Gallons/d to Liter/h
Gallons/d to Liter/d Gallons/d to Cubic meter/s Gallons/d to Cubic meter/m
Gallons/d to Cubic meter/h Gallons/d to Cubic meter/d Gallons/d to Gals/s
Gallons/d to Gallons/m Gallons/d to Gallons/h Gallons/d to Barrels/s
Gallons/d to Barrels/m Gallons/d to Barrels/h Gallons/d to Barrels/d
Barrels/s to Liter/s Barrels/s to Liter/m Barrels/s to Liter/h
Barrels/s to Liter/d Barrels/s to Cubic meter/s Barrels/s to Cubic meter/m
Barrels/s to Cubic meter/h Barrels/s to Cubic meter/d Barrels/s to Gals/s
Barrels/s to Gallons/m Barrels/s to Gallons/h Barrels/s to Gallons/d
Barrels/s to Barrels/m Barrels/s to Barrels/h Barrels/s to Barrels/d
Barrels/m to Liter/s Barrels/m to Liter/m Barrels/m to Liter/h
Barrels/m to Liter/d Barrels/m to Cubic meter/s Barrels/m to Cubic meter/m
Barrels/m to Cubic meter/h Barrels/m to Cubic meter/d Barrels/m to Gals/s
Barrels/m to Gallons/m Barrels/m to Gallons/h Barrels/m to Gallons/d
Barrels/m to Barrels/s Barrels/m to Barrels/h Barrels/m to Barrels/d
Barrels/h to Liter/s Barrels/h to Liter/m Barrels/h to Liter/h
Barrels/h to Liter/d Barrels/h to Cubic meter/s Barrels/h to Cubic meter/m
Barrels/h to Cubic meter/h Barrels/h to Cubic meter/d Barrels/h to Gals/s
Barrels/h to Gallons/m Barrels/h to Gallons/h Barrels/h to Gallons/d
Barrels/h to Barrels/s Barrels/h to Barrels/m Barrels/h to Barrels/d
Barrels/d to Liter/s Barrels/d to Liter/m Barrels/d to Liter/h
Barrels/d to Liter/d Barrels/d to Cubic meter/s Barrels/d to Cubic meter/m
Barrels/d to Cubic meter/h Barrels/d to Cubic meter/d Barrels/d to Gals/s
Barrels/d to Gallons/m Barrels/d to Gallons/h Barrels/d to Gallons/d
Barrels/d to Barrels/s Barrels/d to Barrels/m Barrels/d to Barrels/h