Conversion Gallon per minute(US) to Barrel per hour
To convert gallons per minute to barrels per hour, you must multiply gallons per minute by approximately 1.4286.
To convert a flow rate from gallons per minute (gal/min) to barrels per hour (bbl/hr), you can use the conversion factor that 1 barrel is approximately equal to 42 US gallons. Here's the formula:
60 converts minutes to hours,
42 is the number of gallons in one barrel.
So, you multiply the number of gallons per minute by 60 to get gallons per hour, then divide by 42 to convert gallons per hour to barrels per hour:
This conversion helps in industries such as oil where flow rates are often measured in barrels.
Online tool converts gallons per minute to barrels per hour
This tool converts gallons per minute to barrels per hour (gal/m to bbl/h) and vice versa. 1 gallon per minute(US) ≈ 1.4286 barrels per hour. The user must fill one of the two fields and the conversion will become automatically.
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1 gallons per minute = 1.4286 barrels per hour
Formula gallons per minute in barrels per hour (gal/m in bbl/h). Barrels/h ≈ gal/m*1.4286
How many barrels per hour are 5 gallons per minute?
To find out how many barrels per hour are equivalent to 5 gallons per minute, you can use the conversion formula:
Plugging in 5 gallons per minute:
Thus, 5 gallons per minute is equivalent to approximately 7.14 barrels per hour.
How can I convert 3 gallons per minute to barrels per hour?
To convert 3 gallons per minute to barrels per hour, you can follow this formula based on the relationships between the units:
Multiply the gallons per minute by 60 to convert to gallons per hour because there are 60 minutes in an hour.
Divide the result by 42 because there are 42 US gallons in a barrel.
Here's the calculation:
Therefore, 3 gallons per minute is equivalent to approximately 4.29 barrels per hour.
Common conversions between gallons per minute and barrels per hour
Gallons per Minute (gal/min) = Barrels per Hour (bbl/hr) |
1 gal/min = 1.42857 bbl/hr |
2 gal/min = 2.85714 bbl/hr |
3 gal/min = 4.28571 bbl/hr |
4 gal/min = 5.71428 bbl/hr |
5 gal/min = 7.14285 bbl/hr |
6 gal/min = 8.57142 bbl/hr |
7 gal/min = 10 bbl/hr |
8 gal/min = 11.42856 bbl/hr |
9 gal/min = 12.85714 bbl/hr |
10 gal/min = 14.2857 bbl/hr |
Conversions gallons per minute to other units
Table gal/m to barrels/h
1 gal/m = 1.4286 barrels/h | 11 gal/m = 15.7143 barrels/h | 21 gal/m = 30 barrels/h |
2 gal/m = 2.8571 barrels/h | 12 gal/m = 17.1429 barrels/h | 22 gal/m = 31.4286 barrels/h |
3 gal/m = 4.2857 barrels/h | 13 gal/m = 18.5714 barrels/h | 23 gal/m = 32.8571 barrels/h |
4 gal/m = 5.7143 barrels/h | 14 gal/m = 20 barrels/h | 24 gal/m = 34.2857 barrels/h |
5 gal/m = 7.1429 barrels/h | 15 gal/m = 21.4286 barrels/h | 25 gal/m = 35.7143 barrels/h |
6 gal/m = 8.5714 barrels/h | 16 gal/m = 22.8571 barrels/h | 26 gal/m = 37.1429 barrels/h |
7 gal/m = 10 barrels/h | 17 gal/m = 24.2857 barrels/h | 27 gal/m = 38.5714 barrels/h |
8 gal/m = 11.4286 barrels/h | 18 gal/m = 25.7143 barrels/h | 28 gal/m = 40 barrels/h |
9 gal/m = 12.8571 barrels/h | 19 gal/m = 27.1429 barrels/h | 29 gal/m = 41.4286 barrels/h |
10 gal/m = 14.2857 barrels/h | 20 gal/m = 28.5714 barrels/h | 30 gal/m = 42.8571 barrels/h |
40 gal/m = 57.1429 barrels/h | 70 gal/m = 100 barrels/h | 100 gal/m = 142.857 barrels/h |
50 gal/m = 71.4286 barrels/h | 80 gal/m = 114.286 barrels/h | 110 gal/m = 157.143 barrels/h |
60 gal/m = 85.7143 barrels/h | 90 gal/m = 128.571 barrels/h | 120 gal/m = 171.429 barrels/h |
200 gal/m = 285.714 barrels/h | 500 gal/m = 714.286 barrels/h | 800 gal/m = 1142.86 barrels/h |
300 gal/m = 428.571 barrels/h | 600 gal/m = 857.143 barrels/h | 900 gal/m = 1285.71 barrels/h |
400 gal/m = 571.429 barrels/h | 700 gal/m = 1000 barrels/h | 1000 gal/m = 1428.57 barrels/h |
Flow Conversions