Mass (Weight) Conversion Calculator

This tool converts one mass (weight) unit to other mass (weight) unit. The available mass (weight) units are kilogram (kg), pound (lb), ounce (oz), gram (g), milligram (mg), tonne (t), short ton, long ton, carat (ct), stone.



1 kilogram = 2.2046 pounds


Formula kilogram in pounds (kg in lb). Lb = kg/0.45359237 ≈ kg*2.2046



Conversions kilograms to other units

Kilogram to Pound Kilogram to Ounce Kilogram to Gram
Kilogram to Milligram Kilogram to Tonne Kilogram to Short ton
Kilogram to Long ton Kilogram to Carat Kilogram to Stone


Table kilograms to pounds
1 kilograms = 2.2046 pounds11 kilograms = 24.2508 pounds21 kilograms = 46.2971 pounds
2 kilograms = 4.4092 pounds12 kilograms = 26.4555 pounds22 kilograms = 48.5017 pounds
3 kilograms = 6.6139 pounds13 kilograms = 28.6601 pounds23 kilograms = 50.7063 pounds
4 kilograms = 8.8185 pounds14 kilograms = 30.8647 pounds24 kilograms = 52.9109 pounds
5 kilograms = 11.0231 pounds15 kilograms = 33.0693 pounds25 kilograms = 55.1156 pounds
6 kilograms = 13.2277 pounds16 kilograms = 35.274 pounds26 kilograms = 57.3202 pounds
7 kilograms = 15.4324 pounds17 kilograms = 37.4786 pounds27 kilograms = 59.5248 pounds
8 kilograms = 17.637 pounds18 kilograms = 39.6832 pounds28 kilograms = 61.7294 pounds
9 kilograms = 19.8416 pounds19 kilograms = 41.8878 pounds29 kilograms = 63.9341 pounds
10 kilograms = 22.0462 pounds20 kilograms = 44.0925 pounds30 kilograms = 66.1387 pounds
40 kilograms = 88.1849 pounds70 kilograms = 154.324 pounds100 kilograms = 220.462 pounds
50 kilograms = 110.231 pounds80 kilograms = 176.37 pounds110 kilograms = 242.508 pounds
60 kilograms = 132.277 pounds90 kilograms = 198.416 pounds120 kilograms = 264.555 pounds
200 kilograms = 440.925 pounds500 kilograms = 1102.31 pounds800 kilograms = 1763.7 pounds
300 kilograms = 661.387 pounds600 kilograms = 1322.77 pounds900 kilograms = 1984.16 pounds
400 kilograms = 881.849 pounds700 kilograms = 1543.24 pounds1000 kilograms = 2204.62 pounds


Mass - Weight Conversions

Pound to Kilogram Pound to Ounce Pound to Gram
Pound to Milligram Pound to Tonne Pound to Short ton
Pound to Long ton Pound to Carat Pound to Stone
Ounce to Kilogram Ounce to Pound Ounce to Gram
Ounce to Milligram Ounce to Tonne Ounce to Short ton
Ounce to Long ton Ounce to Carat Ounce to Stone
Gram to Kilogram Gram to Pound Gram to Ounce
Gram to Milligram Gram to Tonne Gram to Short ton
Gram to Long ton Gram to Carat Gram to Stone
Milligram to Kilogram Milligram to Pound Milligram to Ounce
Milligram to Gram Milligram to Tonne Milligram to Short ton
Milligram to Long ton Milligram to Carat Milligram to Stone
Tonne to Kilogram Tonne to Pound Tonne to Ounce
Tonne to Gram Tonne to Milligram Tonne to Short ton
Tonne to Long ton Tonne to Carat Tonne to Stone
Short ton to Kilogram Short ton to Pound Short ton to Ounce
Short ton to Gram Short ton to Milligram Short ton to Tonne
Short ton to Long ton Short ton to Carat Short ton to Stone
Long ton to Kilogram Long ton to Pound Long ton to Ounce
Long ton to Gram Long ton to Milligram Long ton to Tonne
Long ton to Short ton Long ton to Carat Long ton to Stone
Carat to Kilogram Carat to Pound Carat to Ounce
Carat to Gram Carat to Milligram Carat to Tonne
Carat to Short ton Carat to Long ton Carat to Stone
Stone to Kilogram Stone to Pound Stone to Ounce
Stone to Gram Stone to Milligram Stone to Tonne
Stone to Short ton Stone to Long ton Stone to Carat