Time Conversion Calculator

This tool converts one time unit to other time unit. The available time units are millisecond (ms), second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year, decade, century.



1 hours = 3600 seconds




Conversions hours to other units

Hour to Millisecond Hour to Second Hour to Minute
Hour to Day Hour to Week Hour to Month
Hour to Year Hour to Decade Hour to Century


Table hours to minutes
1 hours = 3600 minutes11 hours = 39600 minutes21 hours = 75600 minutes
2 hours = 7200 minutes12 hours = 43200 minutes22 hours = 79200 minutes
3 hours = 10800 minutes13 hours = 46800 minutes23 hours = 82800 minutes
4 hours = 14400 minutes14 hours = 50400 minutes24 hours = 86400 minutes
5 hours = 18000 minutes15 hours = 54000 minutes25 hours = 90000 minutes
6 hours = 21600 minutes16 hours = 57600 minutes26 hours = 93600 minutes
7 hours = 25200 minutes17 hours = 61200 minutes27 hours = 97200 minutes
8 hours = 28800 minutes18 hours = 64800 minutes28 hours = 100800 minutes
9 hours = 32400 minutes19 hours = 68400 minutes29 hours = 104400 minutes
10 hours = 36000 minutes20 hours = 72000 minutes30 hours = 108000 minutes
40 hours = 144000 minutes70 hours = 252000 minutes100 hours = 360000 minutes
50 hours = 180000 minutes80 hours = 288000 minutes110 hours = 396000 minutes
60 hours = 216000 minutes90 hours = 324000 minutes120 hours = 432000 minutes
200 hours = 720000 minutes500 hours = 1800000 minutes800 hours = 2880000 minutes
300 hours = 1080000 minutes600 hours = 2160000 minutes900 hours = 3240000 minutes
400 hours = 1440000 minutes700 hours = 2520000 minutes1000 hours = 3600000 minutes


Time Conversions

Millisecond to Second Millisecond to Minute Millisecond to Hour
Millisecond to Day Millisecond to Week Millisecond to Month
Millisecond to Year Millisecond to Decade Millisecond to Century
Second to Millisecond Second to Minute Second to Hour
Second to Day Second to Week Second to Month
Second to Year Second to Decade Second to Century
Minute to Millisecond Minute to Second Minute to Hour
Minute to Day Minute to Week Minute to Month
Minute to Year Minute to Decade Minute to Century
Day to Millisecond Day to Second Day to Minute
Day to Hour Day to Week Day to Month
Day to Year Day to Decade Day to Century
Week to Millisecond Week to Second Week to Minute
Week to Hour Week to Day Week to Month
Week to Year Week to Decade Week to Century
Month to Millisecond Month to Second Month to Minute
Month to Hour Month to Day Month to Week
Month to Year Month to Decade Month to Century
Year to Millisecond Year to Second Year to Minute
Year to Hour Year to Day Year to Week
Year to Month Year to Decade Year to Century
Decade to Millisecond Decade to Second Decade to Minute
Decade to Hour Decade to Day Decade to Week
Decade to Month Decade to Year Decade to Century
Century to Millisecond Century to Second Century to Minute
Century to Hour Century to Day Century to Week
Century to Month Century to Year Century to Decade