Conversion Pint uk to Liter

The pint (abbreviated as 'pt' or 'p') is a unit of volume or capacity that is used in the United States, the United Kingdom, and various other countries. The imperial pint (uk) is equal to one eighth of an imperial gallon (uk).

This tool converts pints uk to liters (pt to lt) and vice versa. 1 pints uk = 0.56826125 liters. The user must fill one of the two fields and the conversion will become automatically.



1 pints uk = 0.5683 liters


Formula pints uk in liters (pt in lt). Liters = pints uk*0.56826125


Conversions pints uk to other units

Pint uk to Liter Pint uk to Milliliter Pint uk to Cubic yard
Pint uk to Cubic foot Pint uk to Cubic inch Pint uk to Cubic centimeter
Pint uk to Barrels Pint uk to Tablespoon Pint uk to Teaspoon
Pint uk to Quart uk Pint uk to Quart us Pint uk to Gallon uk
Pint uk to Gallon us Pint uk to Pint us Pint uk to Ounce us
Pint uk to Ounce uk Pint uk to Cubic meter


Table pints uk to liters
1 pints uk = 0.5683 liters11 pints uk = 6.251 liters21 pints uk = 11.933 liters
2 pints uk = 1.1365 liters12 pints uk = 6.819 liters22 pints uk = 12.502 liters
3 pints uk = 1.7048 liters13 pints uk = 7.387 liters23 pints uk = 13.07 liters
4 pints uk = 2.273 liters14 pints uk = 7.956 liters24 pints uk = 13.638 liters
5 pints uk = 2.8413 liters15 pints uk = 8.524 liters25 pints uk = 14.207 liters
6 pints uk = 3.4096 liters16 pints uk = 9.092 liters26 pints uk = 14.775 liters
7 pints uk = 3.9778 liters17 pints uk = 9.66 liters27 pints uk = 15.343 liters
8 pints uk = 4.5461 liters18 pints uk = 10.229 liters28 pints uk = 15.911 liters
9 pints uk = 5.1144 liters19 pints uk = 10.797 liters29 pints uk = 16.48 liters
10 pints uk = 5.683 liters20 pints uk = 11.365 liters30 pints uk = 17.048 liters
40 pints uk = 22.73 liters70 pints uk = 39.778 liters100 pints uk = 56.826 liters
50 pints uk = 28.413 liters80 pints uk = 45.461 liters110 pints uk = 62.51 liters
60 pints uk = 34.096 liters90 pints uk = 51.144 liters120 pints uk = 68.19 liters
200 pints uk = 113.65 liters500 pints uk = 284.13 liters800 pints uk = 454.61 liters
300 pints uk = 170.48 liters600 pints uk = 340.96 liters900 pints uk = 511.44 liters
400 pints uk = 227.3 liters700 pints uk = 397.78 liters1000 pints uk = 568.26 liters


Volume Conversions

Liter to Milliliter Liter to Cubic yard Liter to Cubic foot
Liter to Cubic inch Liter to Cubic centimeter Liter to Barrels
Liter to Tablespoon Liter to Teaspoon Liter to Quart uk
Liter to Quart us Liter to Gallon uk Liter to Gallon us
Liter to Pint us Liter to Pint uk Liter to Ounce us
Liter to Ounce uk Liter to Cubic meter Milliliter to Liter
Milliliter to Cubic yard Milliliter to Cubic foot Milliliter to Cubic inch
Milliliter to Cubic centimeter Milliliter to Barrels Milliliter to Tablespoon
Milliliter to Teaspoon Milliliter to Quart uk Milliliter to Quart us
Milliliter to Gallon uk Milliliter to Gallon us Milliliter to Pint us
Milliliter to Pint uk Milliliter to Ounce us Milliliter to Ounce uk
Milliliter to Cubic meter Cubic yard to Liter Cubic yard to Milliliter
Cubic yard to Cubic foot Cubic yard to Cubic inch Cubic yard to Cubic centimeter
Cubic yard to Barrels Cubic yard to Tablespoon Cubic yard to Teaspoon
Cubic yard to Quart uk Cubic yard to Quart us Cubic yard to Gallon uk
Cubic yard to Gallon us Cubic yard to Pint us Cubic yard to Pint uk
Cubic yard to Ounce us Cubic yard to Ounce uk Cubic yard to Cubic meter
Cubic foot to Liter Cubic foot to Milliliter Cubic foot to Cubic yard
Cubic foot to Cubic inch Cubic foot to Cubic centimeter Cubic foot to Barrels
Cubic foot to Tablespoon Cubic foot to Teaspoon Cubic foot to Quart uk
Cubic foot to Quart us Cubic foot to Gallon uk Cubic foot to Gallon us
Cubic foot to Pint us Cubic foot to Pint uk Cubic foot to Ounce us
Cubic foot to Ounce uk Cubic foot to Cubic meter Cubic inch to Liter
Cubic inch to Milliliter Cubic inch to Cubic yard Cubic inch to Cubic foot
Cubic inch to Cubic centimeter Cubic inch to Barrels Cubic inch to Tablespoon
Cubic inch to Teaspoon Cubic inch to Quart uk Cubic inch to Quart us
Cubic inch to Gallon uk Cubic inch to Gallon us Cubic inch to Pint us
Cubic inch to Pint uk Cubic inch to Ounce us Cubic inch to Ounce uk
Cubic inch to Cubic meter Cubic centimeter to Liter Cubic centimeter to Milliliter
Cubic centimeter to Cubic yard Cubic centimeter to Cubic foot Cubic centimeter to Cubic inch
Cubic centimeter to Barrels Cubic centimeter to Tablespoon Cubic centimeter to Teaspoon
Cubic centimeter to Quart uk Cubic centimeter to Quart us Cubic centimeter to Gallon uk
Cubic centimeter to Gallon us Cubic centimeter to Pint us Cubic centimeter to Pint uk
Cubic centimeter to Ounce us Cubic centimeter to Ounce uk Cubic centimeter to Cubic meter
Barrels to Liter Barrels to Milliliter Barrels to Cubic yard
Barrels to Cubic foot Barrels to Cubic inch Barrels to Cubic centimeter
Barrels to Tablespoon Barrels to Teaspoon Barrels to Quart uk
Barrels to Quart us Barrels to Gallon uk Barrels to Gallon us
Barrels to Pint us Barrels to Pint uk Barrels to Ounce us
Barrels to Ounce uk Barrels to Cubic meter Tablespoon to Liter
Tablespoon to Milliliter Tablespoon to Cubic yard Tablespoon to Cubic foot
Tablespoon to Cubic inch Tablespoon to Cubic centimeter Tablespoon to Barrels
Tablespoon to Teaspoon Tablespoon to Quart uk Tablespoon to Quart us
Tablespoon to Gallon uk Tablespoon to Gallon us Tablespoon to Pint us
Tablespoon to Pint uk Tablespoon to Ounce us Tablespoon to Ounce uk
Tablespoon to Cubic meter Teaspoon to Liter Teaspoon to Milliliter
Teaspoon to Cubic yard Teaspoon to Cubic foot Teaspoon to Cubic inch
Teaspoon to Cubic centimeter Teaspoon to Barrels Teaspoon to Tablespoon
Teaspoon to Quart uk Teaspoon to Quart us Teaspoon to Gallon uk
Teaspoon to Gallon us Teaspoon to Pint us Teaspoon to Pint uk
Teaspoon to Ounce us Teaspoon to Ounce uk Teaspoon to Cubic meter
Quart uk to Liter Quart uk to Milliliter Quart uk to Cubic yard
Quart uk to Cubic foot Quart uk to Cubic inch Quart uk to Cubic centimeter
Quart uk to Barrels Quart uk to Tablespoon Quart uk to Teaspoon
Quart uk to Quart us Quart uk to Gallon uk Quart uk to Gallon us
Quart uk to Pint us Quart uk to Pint uk Quart uk to Ounce us
Quart uk to Ounce uk Quart uk to Cubic meter Quart us to Liter
Quart us to Milliliter Quart us to Cubic yard Quart us to Cubic foot
Quart us to Cubic inch Quart us to Cubic centimeter Quart us to Barrels
Quart us to Tablespoon Quart us to Teaspoon Quart us to Quart uk
Quart us to Gallon uk Quart us to Gallon us Quart us to Pint us
Quart us to Pint uk Quart us to Ounce us Quart us to Ounce uk
Quart us to Cubic meter Gallon uk to Liter Gallon uk to Milliliter
Gallon uk to Cubic yard Gallon uk to Cubic foot Gallon uk to Cubic inch
Gallon uk to Cubic centimeter Gallon uk to Barrels Gallon uk to Tablespoon
Gallon uk to Teaspoon Gallon uk to Quart uk Gallon uk to Quart us
Gallon uk to Gallon us Gallon uk to Pint us Gallon uk to Pint uk
Gallon uk to Ounce us Gallon uk to Ounce uk Gallon uk to Cubic meter
Gallon us to Liter Gallon us to Milliliter Gallon us to Cubic yard
Gallon us to Cubic foot Gallon us to Cubic inch Gallon us to Cubic centimeter
Gallon us to Barrels Gallon us to Tablespoon Gallon us to Teaspoon
Gallon us to Quart uk Gallon us to Quart us Gallon us to Gallon uk
Gallon us to Pint us Gallon us to Pint uk Gallon us to Ounce us
Gallon us to Ounce uk Gallon us to Cubic meter Pint us to Liter
Pint us to Milliliter Pint us to Cubic yard Pint us to Cubic foot
Pint us to Cubic inch Pint us to Cubic centimeter Pint us to Barrels
Pint us to Tablespoon Pint us to Teaspoon Pint us to Quart uk
Pint us to Quart us Pint us to Gallon uk Pint us to Gallon us
Pint us to Pint uk Pint us to Ounce us Pint us to Ounce uk
Pint us to Cubic meter Ounce us to Liter Ounce us to Milliliter
Ounce us to Cubic yard Ounce us to Cubic foot Ounce us to Cubic inch
Ounce us to Cubic centimeter Ounce us to Barrels Ounce us to Tablespoon
Ounce us to Teaspoon Ounce us to Quart uk Ounce us to Quart us
Ounce us to Gallon uk Ounce us to Gallon us Ounce us to Pint us
Ounce us to Pint uk Ounce us to Ounce uk Ounce us to Cubic meter
Ounce uk to Liter Ounce uk to Milliliter Ounce uk to Cubic yard
Ounce uk to Cubic foot Ounce uk to Cubic inch Ounce uk to Cubic centimeter
Ounce uk to Barrels Ounce uk to Tablespoon Ounce uk to Teaspoon
Ounce uk to Quart uk Ounce uk to Quart us Ounce uk to Gallon uk
Ounce uk to Gallon us Ounce uk to Pint us Ounce uk to Pint uk
Ounce uk to Ounce us Ounce uk to Cubic meter Cubic meter to Liter
Cubic meter to Milliliter Cubic meter to Cubic yard Cubic meter to Cubic foot
Cubic meter to Cubic inch Cubic meter to Cubic centimeter Cubic meter to Barrels
Cubic meter to Tablespoon Cubic meter to Teaspoon Cubic meter to Quart uk
Cubic meter to Quart us Cubic meter to Gallon uk Cubic meter to Gallon us
Cubic meter to Pint us Cubic meter to Pint uk Cubic meter to Ounce us
Cubic meter to Ounce uk