Conversion Cubic meter per hour to Cubic meter per second

A cubic meter per hour (m3/h) is unit of volume flow rate equal to that of a cube with sides of one meter in length exchanged or moving each hour.

This tool converts cubic meters per hour to cubic meters per second (m3/h to m3/s) and vice versa. 1 cubic meter per hour ≈ 0.0002778 cubic meters per second. The user must fill one of the two fields and the conversion will become automatically.



1 cubic meters per hour = 0.0002778 cubic meters per second


Formula cubic meters per hour in cubic meters per second (m3/h in m3/s). M3/s ≈ m3/h*0.0002778



Conversions cubic meters per hour to other units

Cubic meter/h to Liter/s Cubic meter/h to Liter/m Cubic meter/h to Liter/h
Cubic meter/h to Liter/d Cubic meter/h to Cubic meter/s Cubic meter/h to Cubic meter/m
Cubic meter/h to Cubic meter/d Cubic meter/h to Gallon/s Cubic meter/h to Gallon/m
Cubic meter/h to Gallon/h Cubic meter/h to Gallon/d Cubic meter/h to Barrel/s
Cubic meter/h to Barrel/m Cubic meter/h to Barrel/h Cubic meter/h to Barrel/d


Table m3/h to m3/s
1 m3/h = 0.0002778 m3/s 11 m3/h = 0.003056 m3/s 21 m3/h = 0.005833 m3/s
2 m3/h = 0.0005556 m3/s 12 m3/h = 0.003333 m3/s 22 m3/h = 0.006111 m3/s
3 m3/h = 0.0008333 m3/s 13 m3/h = 0.003611 m3/s 23 m3/h = 0.006389 m3/s
4 m3/h = 0.001111 m3/s 14 m3/h = 0.003889 m3/s 24 m3/h = 0.006667 m3/s
5 m3/h = 0.001389 m3/s 15 m3/h = 0.004167 m3/s 25 m3/h = 0.006944 m3/s
6 m3/h = 0.001667 m3/s 16 m3/h = 0.004444 m3/s 26 m3/h = 0.007222 m3/s
7 m3/h = 0.001944 m3/s 17 m3/h = 0.004722 m3/s 27 m3/h = 0.0075 m3/s
8 m3/h = 0.002222 m3/s 18 m3/h = 0.005 m3/s 28 m3/h = 0.007778 m3/s
9 m3/h = 0.0025 m3/s 19 m3/h = 0.005278 m3/s 29 m3/h = 0.008056 m3/s
10 m3/h = 0.002778 m3/s 20 m3/h = 0.005556 m3/s 30 m3/h = 0.008333 m3/s
40 m3/h = 0.01111 m3/s 70 m3/h = 0.01944 m3/s 100 m3/h = 0.02778 m3/s
50 m3/h = 0.01389 m3/s 80 m3/h = 0.02222 m3/s 110 m3/h = 0.03056 m3/s
60 m3/h = 0.01667 m3/s 90 m3/h = 0.025 m3/s 120 m3/h = 0.03333 m3/s
200 m3/h = 0.05556 m3/s500 m3/h = 0.1389 m3/s800 m3/h = 0.2222 m3/s
300 m3/h = 0.08333 m3/s600 m3/h = 0.1667 m3/s900 m3/h = 0.25 m3/s
400 m3/h = 0.1111 m3/s700 m3/h = 0.1944 m3/s1000 m3/h = 0.2778 m3/s


Flow Conversions

Liter/s to Liter/m Liter/s to Liter/h Liter/s to Liter/d
Liter/s to Cubic meter/s Liter/s to Cubic meter/m Liter/s to Cubic meter/h
Liter/s to Cubic meter/d Liter/s to Gals/s Liter/s to Gallons/m
Liter/s to Gallons/h Liter/s to Gallons/d Liter/s to Barrels/s
Liter/s to Barrels/m Liter/s to Barrels/h Liter/s to Barrels/d
Liter/m to Liter/s Liter/m to Liter/h Liter/m to Liter/d
Liter/m to Cubic meter/s Liter/m to Cubic meter/m Liter/m to Cubic meter/h
Liter/m to Cubic meter/d Liter/m to Gals/s Liter/m to Gallons/m
Liter/m to Gallons/h Liter/m to Gallons/d Liter/m to Barrels/s
Liter/m to Barrels/m Liter/m to Barrels/h Liter/m to Barrels/d
Liter/h to Liter/s Liter/h to Liter/m Liter/h to Liter/d
Liter/h to Cubic meter/s Liter/h to Cubic meter/m Liter/h to Cubic meter/h
Liter/h to Cubic meter/d Liter/h to Gals/s Liter/h to Gallons/m
Liter/h to Gallons/h Liter/h to Gallons/d Liter/h to Barrels/s
Liter/h to Barrels/m Liter/h to Barrels/h Liter/h to Barrels/d
Liter/d to Liter/s Liter/d to Liter/m Liter/d to Liter/h
Liter/d to Cubic meter/s Liter/d to Cubic meter/m Liter/d to Cubic meter/h
Liter/d to Cubic meter/d Liter/d to Gals/s Liter/d to Gallons/m
Liter/d to Gallons/h Liter/d to Gallons/d Liter/d to Barrels/s
Liter/d to Barrels/m Liter/d to Barrels/h Liter/d to Barrels/d
Cubic meter/s to Liter/s Cubic meter/s to Liter/m Cubic meter/s to Liter/h
Cubic meter/s to Liter/d Cubic meter/s to Cubic meter/m Cubic meter/s to Cubic meter/h
Cubic meter/s to Cubic meter/d Cubic meter/s to Gals/s Cubic meter/s to Gallons/m
Cubic meter/s to Gallons/h Cubic meter/s to Gallons/d Cubic meter/s to Barrels/s
Cubic meter/s to Barrels/m Cubic meter/s to Barrels/h Cubic meter/s to Barrels/d
Cubic meter/m to Liter/s Cubic meter/m to Liter/m Cubic meter/m to Liter/h
Cubic meter/m to Liter/d Cubic meter/m to Cubic meter/s Cubic meter/m to Cubic meter/h
Cubic meter/m to Cubic meter/d Cubic meter/m to Gals/s Cubic meter/m to Gallons/m
Cubic meter/m to Gallons/h Cubic meter/m to Gallons/d Cubic meter/m to Barrels/s
Cubic meter/m to Barrels/m Cubic meter/m to Barrels/h Cubic meter/m to Barrels/d
Cubic meter/d to Liter/s Cubic meter/d to Liter/m Cubic meter/d to Liter/h
Cubic meter/d to Liter/d Cubic meter/d to Cubic meter/s Cubic meter/d to Cubic meter/m
Cubic meter/d to Cubic meter/h Cubic meter/d to Gals/s Cubic meter/d to Gallons/m
Cubic meter/d to Gallons/h Cubic meter/d to Gallons/d Cubic meter/d to Barrels/s
Cubic meter/d to Barrels/m Cubic meter/d to Barrels/h Cubic meter/d to Barrels/d
Gals/s to Liter/s Gals/s to Liter/m Gals/s to Liter/h
Gals/s to Liter/d Gals/s to Cubic meter/s Gals/s to Cubic meter/m
Gals/s to Cubic meter/h Gals/s to Cubic meter/d Gals/s to Gallons/m
Gals/s to Gallons/h Gals/s to Gallons/d Gals/s to Barrels/s
Gals/s to Barrels/m Gals/s to Barrels/h Gals/s to Barrels/d
Gallons/m to Liter/s Gallons/m to Liter/m Gallons/m to Liter/h
Gallons/m to Liter/d Gallons/m to Cubic meter/s Gallons/m to Cubic meter/m
Gallons/m to Cubic meter/h Gallons/m to Cubic meter/d Gallons/m to Gals/s
Gallons/m to Gallons/h Gallons/m to Gallons/d Gallons/m to Barrels/s
Gallons/m to Barrels/m Gallons/m to Barrels/h Gallons/m to Barrels/d
Gallons/h to Liter/s Gallons/h to Liter/m Gallons/h to Liter/h
Gallons/h to Liter/d Gallons/h to Cubic meter/s Gallons/h to Cubic meter/m
Gallons/h to Cubic meter/h Gallons/h to Cubic meter/d Gallons/h to Gals/s
Gallons/h to Gallons/m Gallons/h to Gallons/d Gallons/h to Barrels/s
Gallons/h to Barrels/m Gallons/h to Barrels/h Gallons/h to Barrels/d
Gallons/d to Liter/s Gallons/d to Liter/m Gallons/d to Liter/h
Gallons/d to Liter/d Gallons/d to Cubic meter/s Gallons/d to Cubic meter/m
Gallons/d to Cubic meter/h Gallons/d to Cubic meter/d Gallons/d to Gals/s
Gallons/d to Gallons/m Gallons/d to Gallons/h Gallons/d to Barrels/s
Gallons/d to Barrels/m Gallons/d to Barrels/h Gallons/d to Barrels/d
Barrels/s to Liter/s Barrels/s to Liter/m Barrels/s to Liter/h
Barrels/s to Liter/d Barrels/s to Cubic meter/s Barrels/s to Cubic meter/m
Barrels/s to Cubic meter/h Barrels/s to Cubic meter/d Barrels/s to Gals/s
Barrels/s to Gallons/m Barrels/s to Gallons/h Barrels/s to Gallons/d
Barrels/s to Barrels/m Barrels/s to Barrels/h Barrels/s to Barrels/d
Barrels/m to Liter/s Barrels/m to Liter/m Barrels/m to Liter/h
Barrels/m to Liter/d Barrels/m to Cubic meter/s Barrels/m to Cubic meter/m
Barrels/m to Cubic meter/h Barrels/m to Cubic meter/d Barrels/m to Gals/s
Barrels/m to Gallons/m Barrels/m to Gallons/h Barrels/m to Gallons/d
Barrels/m to Barrels/s Barrels/m to Barrels/h Barrels/m to Barrels/d
Barrels/h to Liter/s Barrels/h to Liter/m Barrels/h to Liter/h
Barrels/h to Liter/d Barrels/h to Cubic meter/s Barrels/h to Cubic meter/m
Barrels/h to Cubic meter/h Barrels/h to Cubic meter/d Barrels/h to Gals/s
Barrels/h to Gallons/m Barrels/h to Gallons/h Barrels/h to Gallons/d
Barrels/h to Barrels/s Barrels/h to Barrels/m Barrels/h to Barrels/d
Barrels/d to Liter/s Barrels/d to Liter/m Barrels/d to Liter/h
Barrels/d to Liter/d Barrels/d to Cubic meter/s Barrels/d to Cubic meter/m
Barrels/d to Cubic meter/h Barrels/d to Cubic meter/d Barrels/d to Gals/s
Barrels/d to Gallons/m Barrels/d to Gallons/h Barrels/d to Gallons/d
Barrels/d to Barrels/s Barrels/d to Barrels/m Barrels/d to Barrels/h